The Modern Day Holy Family
St. Charles Borromeo RC Church, Moorside Road, M27 9PDWednesday 20th December 2017
7pm - 8pm followed by refreshments
An evening bringing the true reality of the Christmas Story to the modern day context.
Drama, music, and hearing from service users and providers of Caritas Diocese of Salford.
The Modern Day Holy Family are those families who face the same difficulties that the Holy Family faced 2000 years ago; Mary being a teenage Mother and the suspicion and disgrace she faced; homelessness as the door of the Inn was closed to them in Bethlehem; refugees as they fled into Egypt to escape the slaughter of the innocent.
The prejudice, rejection, and violence which the Holy Family faced 2000 years ago are still experienced today and this is a scandal. As Pope Francis reminds us, hope has blossomed: “Jesus wanted to belong to a family who experienced these hardships, so that no one would feel excluded from the loving closeness of God.”