John Pridmore ‘From Gangland To Promised Land’
Blackburn ParishesSaturday 16th September 2017
John Pridmore ex-gangster and internationally acclaimed speaker and bestselling author of the book ‘From Gangland to Promised Land’ speaking in Blackburn at:
St Theresa’s Church, Bentley Street – Sat 16th September at 6.30pm Mass
St Joseph’s Church, Audley Range – on Sun 17th September at 11.15am Mass
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Pilmuir Road – Sat 16th September at 5.30pm Mass and Sun 17th September at 9.30 Mass
John has been in 16 countries in the last few years. He spoke to 500,000 young people at WYD in Australia.
He has been interviewed on BBC, ITV, TV3, UTV, American TV and numerous daily newspapers and radio shows. John has worked with people such as Saint Teresa of Calcutta and Pope Benedict XVI.