Family is Sacred Course

Wednesday 21st October 2020

‘Family is Sacred’ Zoom Course

Running alternate Wednesdays, 7:30pm-9:00pm. You are encouraged to attend all sessions but please note, these are also standalone if you are just able to commit to some. The course is designed to enrich and support marriage and family life and the building up of the Domestic Church. There will be input from various speakers followed by small group discussion and Q&A. All Welcome! Register your free place by emailing

21/10/20              Man & Woman – Equal in dignity, but distinct in attributes
4/11/20                Man & Woman – Communication & Sexuality
18/11/20              The Sacrament of Matrimony – A reflection of the Love of Christ
2/12/20                The Sacrament of Matrimony – A reflection of Christ’s faithfulness & fruitfulness
16/12/20              Fatherhood & Motherhood – The challenge of Authority
13/1/21                Fatherhood & Motherhood – Mutual complementarity
27/1/21                The Importance of Family Life – The human significance
10/2/21                The Importance of Family Life – The religious significance
24/2/21                Love and the Importance of Home
10/3/21                Love and how we understand work
24/3/21                Family & suffering
7/4/21                  The mission of the family

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