Embrace Liverpool 2017 – CALLED
Liverpool Metropolitan CathedralSaturday 25th November 2017
9:30am - 6pm
Embrace Liverpool Catholic Youth Conferences are organised by young people for young people to show that the Church is alive!
The theme this year is CALLED based on the Gospel of the day, Matthew 25:34, ‘Come you whom my Father has blessed’. Embrace, now in it’s third year, is an exciting one-day conference for young Catholics in the heart of Liverpool with Praise & Worship, Mass, Adoration, great talks and fantastic workshops
A day to celebrate the faith of young people. Keynote speakers, Workshops, Praise and Worship, Adoration, Reconciliation, Holy Mass.
Speakers include: Archbishop Malcolm, Ros Powell, Maximilian Ford, Franciscan Sisters and Friars of the renewal plus many more. Music led by CJM Music. Drama led by RISEtheatre.
Aimed at 14-25 year olds but open to all ages.
Holy Mass at 4pm, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon main celebrant and homilist.
Visit www.embrace-liverpool.org.uk for more info.
Coach from Salford Cathedral, Email Lorraine for more info Lorraine.Leonard@dioceseofsalford.org.uk. Please keep our preparations in your prayers.