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A listing of contact details for the Primary and Secondary Schools and Roman Catholic Sixth Form Colleges of the Diocese.

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Mount Carmel RCHS
St Anne and St Joseph RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Oswald RCPS
St Anne RCPS
Our Lady of Mount Carmel RCPS
St Christopher RCPS
St Damian RC Science College
Holy Infant & St Anthony RCPS
St Anne RCPS
St Mary RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
Brownedge St Mary`s RCHS
St Mary and St Benedict RCPS
St Augustine RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
Holy Souls RCPS
Our Lady and St John Catholic College - a Voluntary Academy
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour RCPS
Sacred Heart RCPS
St Alban RCPS
St Anne RCPS
St Antony RCPS
St Bede`s RCHS
St Mary & St Joseph RCPS
Mount Carmel RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
Our Lady RCHS
Mount St Joseph RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
Ss Peter and Paul`s RCPS
Thornleigh Salesian College
Our Lady of Lourdes RCPS
Ss Osmund & Andrew RCPS
Holy Trinity RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St John the Evangelist RCPS
St Boniface RCPS
Blessed Trinity RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
Christ the King RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Augustine of Canterbury RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St John the Baptist RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Joseph`s Park Hill School (Independent)
St Mary Magdalene RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Mary`s RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
Holy Cross Sixth Form College
St Gabriel`s RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
St Joseph and St Bede RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Gabriel RCPS
St Herbert RCPS
St John Henry Newman RC College
Loreto RCHS
Sacred Heart RCPS
St Willibrord RCPS
St Mary RCPS
Oakhill School and Nursery (Independent)
St Michael and St John`s RCPS
Stonyhurst College (Independent)
Stonyhurst St Mary`s Hall Preparatory (Independent)
St Malachy RCPS
Sacred Heart RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
Ss John Fisher And Thomas More RCHS
St Anne RCPS
Our Lady and St Paul RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Edward RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Ethelbert RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St John Fisher RCPS
St Mary RCPS
St Thomas More RC College
St Theresa RCPS
St Stephen RCPS
Thorneyholme RCPS
Holy Cross and All Saints RCPS
St Gilbert RCPS
St Patrick`s RCHS
Guardian Angels RCPS
St Mary RCPS
Our Lady of Lourdes RCPS
St Gregory RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St John Vianney Special School (5-19)
St Teresa RCPS
St Monica RCPS
Sacred Heart RCPS
St Hubert`s RCPS
Holly Mount RCPS
St Joseph RCPS
St Brendan`s RCPS
St Thomas of Canterbury RCPS
St Anne`s RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
St Winifred RCPS
St Mary RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Veronica RCPS
Holy Family RC & CE College
St Thomas of Canterbury RCPS
St Joseph RC High School
Loreto Sixth Form College
St Wilfrid RCPS
St Joseph RCPS
St Joseph the Worker RCPS
St Teresa RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Luke RCPS
St Philip RCPS
Holy Family RCPS
St Bernard RCPS
St Edmund RCPS
St Teresa RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Mary RCPS
Littleborough, Rochdale
St Cecilia`s RCHS
St Richard RCPS
St Joseph RCPS
Our Lady and St Gerard RCPS
St Ambrose RCPS
St Bede`s College (Independent)
St Bede`s College Prep (Independent)
St Bernard RCPS
St Brigid RCPS
St Catherine RCPS
St Chad`s RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Clare`s RCPS
St Cuthbert RCPS
St Dunstan RCPS
St Francis RCPS
St John Bosco RCPS
St John RCPS
St Kentigern RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Margaret Mary RCPS
St Mary RCPS
St Patrick RCPS
St Peter`s RCHS
The Barlow RCHS
Xaverian Sixth Form College
Cardinal Langley RCHS & Sixth Form College
Middleton, Manchester
St John Fisher RCPS
St Mary RCPS
St Peter RCPS
St Thomas More RCPS
St Edmund RCPS
Holy Name RCPS
St Joseph RCPS
Holy Saviour RCPS
St John Southworth RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Matthew`s RCHS
New Moston, Manchester
Holy Family RCPS
Christ the King RCPS
St Vincent de Paul RCPS
St Alphonsus RCPS
Corpus Christi RCPS
Holy Family RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
Holy Rosary RCPS
Ss Aidan and Oswald RCPS
St Edward RCPS
St Patrick RCPS
St Mary RCPS
St John the Baptist RCPS
St Sebastian RCPS
Our Lady of Grace RCPS
St Monica`s RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
St Mary RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Joseph RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
All Saints RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
St Joseph RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Charles RCPS
Alice Ingham RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
Sacred Heart RCPS
St Cuthbert`s RCHS
St John the Baptist RCPS
St Patrick`s RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St James-the-Less RCPS
St Peter RCPS
The Divine Mercy RCPS
All Hallows RCHS
Cathedral School of St Peter and St John RCPS
Holy Family RCPS
St Joseph RCPS
St Joseph RCPS
Stella Maris (Independent)
St Hugh of Lincoln RCPS
St Ambrose Barlow RCHS
St Charles RCPS
St Mark RCPS
St Marie RCPS
St Joseph RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Columba RCPS
English Martyrs RCPS
Our Lady of the Rosary RCPS
St Antony`s RCHS - a Voluntary Academy
Christ the King RCPS
St Patrick RCPS
Sacred Heart RCPS
Our Lady RCPS
St Bernadette RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
St Michael RCPS - a Voluntary Academy
Our Lady & St Anselm RCPS

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