Talks on the Constitutions of Vatican II
Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DPWednesday 10th April 2024
In preparation for the Holy Year of Jubilee 2025, Pope Francis has asked us to revisit the four great constitutions of the Second Vatican Council – Divine Revelation; the Church; the Liturgy; the Church in the Modern World.
After Easter there will be four evening presentations at the Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DP, taking place between 7pm to 8.30pm.
Our speakers will be reflecting on the relevance and importance of these four great documents at the present time. There will also be time for discussion.
Details of upcoming talks are as follows:
Wednesday 10 April – The Church (Lumen Gentium) – Bishop John Arnold
Wednesday 17 April – Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum) – Fr Eamonn Mulcahy CSSp
Wednesday 24 April – The Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium) – Fr James Manock
Wednesday 1 May – The Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes) – Phil Callaghan (Young Christian Workers)
There is no charge for the talks but we would be grateful if you could please register your interest by clicking here.