Training Day – Parish Management
Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford St. Salford. M3 6DPSaturday 18th May 2019
10am- 3pm
As part of Stage 2 of Hope in the Future there will be a series of training days aimed at providing the skills and knowledge to assist parishioners to take on roles in their parishes.
Parish Management – Workshops on Finance, Administration, Buildings and H&S
Saturday 18th May 2019, 10:00-15:00
Cathedral Centre, Salford, M3 6DP
10:00 Tea/Coffee
10:30 Welcome, Opening Prayer & Opening Address
11:00 Workshops 1*
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Workshops 2*
1:45 Workshops 3*
2:45 Q&A and Closing Prayer
3:00 Departures
*Workshops (in small groups attendees will go to each 60 minute workshop)
1) Finance (Gift Aid, Returns, levy, banking)
2) General Administration (Data protection, employment, use of volunteers, legal occupation, insurance, IT, background to diocese as trust/charity)
3) Property (Building/Grounds Maintenance, H&S)
Please bring a packed lunch. Tea/Coffee will be provided.