ACN Walks for Iraq: Lancaster Cathedral to Salford Cathedral
Thursday 26th April 2018Bridget Huddleston and Caroline Hull from the NW Office of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) are walking to five NW cathedrals to raise awareness and funding for Iraq’s Christians as they return to the Nineveh Plain.
ACN currently provides nearly half of all funding for emergency relief and rebuilding for internally displaced Christian families in Iraq. With ACN’s help, the Church is offering financial aid alongside spiritual and emotional support as Iraq’s Christian communities move toward a brighter future.
The Walks for Iraq begin at Lancaster Cathedral on 17th May; Bridget and Caroline will reach St Ethelbert’s in Bolton on 20th May. The next morning they will head to Wardley Hall; Bishop John hopes to walk with them for the final few miles to Salford Cathedral!
The next walk, scheduled for mid-June, will go from our cathedral to Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. Walks to Wrexham and Shrewsbury Cathedrals will follow in July and September respectively.
You can sponsor Bridget and Caroline through ACN’s NW Office (01524 388739) or online (www.justgiving.com/fundraising/walks4iraq).
If you, your parish or your school would like to organise a sponsored walk/run/cycle ride to help Iraq’s Christians, Caroline and Bridget would love to hear from you. They can provide support and resources (and they’ll come along if they can!).
Caroline and Bridget ask for your prayers for our brothers and sisters in Iraq. “Please help Iraq’s Christians by donating whatever you can. Christians have lived on the Nineveh Plain for nearly two thousand years. Together we can help them rebuild their homes and lives.”