Lenten School of Prayer
St Charles Borromeo Church, Swinton, M27 9PDSaturday 17th February 2018
Journeying with Jesus to the Cross
Using the Stations of the Cross for Prayer.
A series of talks and prayer workshops on Saturdays during Lent exploring the many themes of life underlying the Stations of the Cross.
Sessions will be 12.00 noon – 2.30 pm at the back of church. Please bring packed lunch.
Each week will consist of talks and an opportunity to experience something of the topic of the week.
Week one. 17 February.
What are the Stations of the Cross ?
An overview of their origins and history.
Week two. 24 February
Journeying with the reality of sin and suffering.
(led by Bishop Terence Brain)
Week three. 3 March
Journeying with Jesus’ companions on the road to Calvary.
Week four. 10 March
Journeying with the reality of persecution
Week five. 17 March
Journeying with Mary to the foot of the Cross
Week 6.24 March
Calvary – Journeys End?