Image shows three women standing side by side with their heads bowed, eyes closed, and hands together in prayer

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

Thursday 18th January 2024

Join us in celebrating the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, taking place from the 18th – 25th January.

This year, the theme is “You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10.27) and the parable of the Good Samaritan.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the best known passages of Scripture, yet one that never seems to lose its power to challenge indifference to suffering and to inspire solidarity. It is a story about crossing boundaries that calls our attention to the bonds that unite the whole human family.

The main focus of the week is to come together in collective self-reflection and to think about what it truly means to love our neighbour.

This year, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland are sharing resources generously put together by churches in Burkina Faso, which include pamphlets, booklets and posters – all of which can be accessed here.

People are invited to show solidarity for Christian Unity by sharing unity messages and any event information on their Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Twitter wall. This can be done by including the hashtag #wpcuwall in Twitter posts.

Updates and information about the Week of Prayer can also be found on the #wpcu2024 Twitter hashtag.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus Christ, may our eyes not look away, but be wide open to the world around us.

As we travel through life, may we stop and reach out, bind up the wounded and in so doing experience your presence in them.

Give us a renewed commitment to journey with you towards unity.



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