Holocaust Study Day
Menorah Synagogue, 198 Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester, M22 4RZThursday 9th November 2023
Join the Menorah Synagogue and The Council of Christians and Jews Manchester the 24th Holocaust Study Day.
The half-day programme will include news insights and inspiring narratives from Christian and Jewish experts, as well as personal testimonies of the Holocaust.
Complementing the National Holocaust Memorial events in January, the study day takes a primarily religious viewpoint, and strikes an optimistic tone for the future.
As always, the session aims to be a stimulating, informative, and often spiritually satisfying morning which is a real contribution to inter-faith relations.
The study takes place on Thursday 9th November between 9.30am and 12.40pm at the Menorah Synagogue in Sharston, Manchester.
9.00 Registration and coffee
9.30 Sr Teresa Brittain, Congregation de Notre Dame de Sion
The importance of Holocaust Studies for Christians
9.50 Mrs Leah Burman
Holocaust Testimony
10.30 Revd Canon Steve Williams
A Response to Testimony
10.40 Eric Roth
Nazi Culture: Totalitarian Art, Aryan Art, Degenerate Art
11.20 Break
11.30 Trevor Avery, BEM, Director, Lake District Holocaust Project
The Windermere Children
12.15 Rabbi Fabian Sborovsky, Menorah Synagogue
The Jewish Response
12.40. Light Lunch (Optional: please book if you wish to stay for this)
You must book your place in advance. The charge is £10. Please let us know if you wish to stay for the light lunch, for which there is no charge, but we wish to cater for the right number.
You can book online at https://menorah.org.uk/event/holocaust-study-day-at-menorah/
You may pay by credit card or PayPal. When you reach the check-out page, be sure to use the Additional Information box to give the names of persons attending and state if staying for lunch.
You are welcome to book guests of any faith, and to forward the invitation to colleagues and friends – people you know personally. Please do not broadcast it by putting it on a website, social media, or generally accessible internet or printed publications.
If you do not have Internet access, please telephone the Menorah office at 0161 428 7746 and you can then pay by credit card.
Enquiries preferably by email to hsd@menorah.org.uk or 0161 485 6051