Join the Altar Servers Retreat
Sunday 24th January 2021On Saturday 27th February 2021 the Vocations team will lead an online retreat for Altar Servers.
The retreat will be open to all servers between the ages of 8 – 17. According to age, we have split the sessions into two; one for those aged between 8-11 (10am-12pm), and another for those aged 12-17 (1pm-3pm). However, if you are a Server aged 18 and over, please email the address below for more information.
The day includes a keynote speech from Bishop John on the ministry of serving during this time and in the future. You will have the opportunity to attend all three virtual workshops on: The ‘Challenges & Opportunities’ for an Altar Server, ‘Prayer – A Friendship with Jesus’, and ‘Called to Serve’. Following the workshops you will have a time of prayer and Bishop John will recommission you as an Altar Server for the Diocese of Salford.
Those who attend will be able to meet other altar servers from around the diocese and discuss the opportunities of serving God and our neighbour in the everyday. There will also be times of prayer for attendees to deepen their relationship with God and discern how the Lord may be calling to serve Him. In addition, attendees will be given the skills and resources to grow as disciples in prayer at home in their own time, which will be especially helpful during the pandemic when their ministry may be on hold and access to churches limited.
To register your place or for more information email formation@dioceseofsalford.org.uk. Please indicate your child’s age and which session they will be attending.
An under 18’s videoconferencing consent form must be downloaded from the link below, completed by parents/carers and returned to the above email address. The retreat will take place on Zoom.
You can download a poster here and a Videoconferencing consent form Please share these online, in your parish and with servers who may be interested.

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