International Youth Day

Wednesday 12th August 2020

During the pandemic young people have, like all of us, faced massive disruption to their lives. But this International Youth Day, let us celebrate the many young people who have followed guidelines, faced a premature end to their school years and most of all, who have stood up to support their communities.

They are young people like Sadie, the 12-year-old who was recognised for the kindness packs she distributed throughout the pandemic, young people from St Joseph’s RC High School in Horwich, and like the Ramsbottom YCW Impact group who have been sending cards to older people in their parish and checking in with them on a weekly basis.

During the pandemic, Pope Francis invited young people to “reach out tenderly to the elderly by doing something concrete for those who are most alone in their homes or retirement residences, and who have not seen their loved-ones for months”.

“Dear young people”, the Pope said, “each elderly person is your grandparent!” He urged young people not to leave the elderly alone. “He suggested: “Call them, videochat with them, send them messages, listen to them, go and visit them when it is possible while observing health precautions, send them a hug.”

Young people have also been able to remain engaged in their faith through the digital sphere. The diocesan youth team have been sharing the ‘One Minute Word’ each Sunday – a one minute reflection by a different member of the clergy each week. If you’d like to keep up with these, you can find them on Instagram.

We are proud of the way young people all across our diocese have continued to act as Missionary Disciples and ambassadors to Christ so far throughout this difficult year.

To quote St Catherine of Siena, young people: “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”


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