Diploma in Pastoral Ministry and Leadership Information Evening

Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford St. Salford. M3 6DP
Tuesday 9th October 2018

Once again this year the Diocese, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Liverpool and, this year with Wrexham Diocese, are offering a Diploma in Pastoral Ministry and Leadership. The Diploma is a combination of Online Learning  and a series of leadership workshops, leading to a Loyola University Chicago Certificate and a series of  Liverpool Hope CPD Awards.

The course starts in January 2019 and ends in December 2021. The full Diploma costs £2600, which is payable over three instalments. An increasing number of parishes are willing to part-fund students towards the Diploma.

There is an Information Evening at the Cathedral Centre on Tuesday 9th October 7.30-9pm, with refreshments from 7pm.

Further information:

Diploma Information Booklet

Certificate Information

Please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Chris Lough Christopher.lough@dioceseofsalford.org.uk  or Fr. Paul Daly paul.daly@dioceseofsalford.org.uk  for further information.

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